Splat Attack Podcast
90s Nickelodeon fans and celebrities join Alex and his crew of co-hosts as they explore a Slime Tank full of nostalgic memories together to honor and preserve The Golden Age of Nick for generations to come. Episode formats range from Episode Reviews to Versus, all centered around carefully hand-picked topics for our Slimesters (fans) each season.

Wednesday May 04, 2022
M3. Sam Reacts: 90’s Fast Food Commercials
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Order those happy meals, join the Burger King Kids' Club, and take Pizza Face with you because it's time for Sam Reacts! This week Brett & Alex are showing Sam 4 90's fast food commercials. Sam will get a small taste of Pizza Hut, Wendy's, Burger King, and McDonald's. I hope we get the chance to show him more of these in the future. "Hey, it could happen."
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Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
20. Nick Takes Over Your School II: 1999
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
I hope you're all studied up because it's time for a pop quiz! After going over Nick Takes Over Your School 1994 in season 1 of Splat Attack, we came across the winner of 1999. Join us as we reminisce with Mallory Lawson Mason and her cousin Kitt Lowther to discuss the events of what it was like back in '99 when Nick took over their school, slime and all!
Get in touch with Mallory or Kitt
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Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
M2. Nightmares as a Child: The Renegade Virus
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
In this second minisode, the series turns dark and digs deep into your childhood nightmares, starting with Brett's most vivid recollection of one of his own, a series of sinister dreams involving The Renegade Virus from Are You Afraid of the Dark? Why did this digitally deranged character haunt Brett for years? Find out as he recalls all the memories tied to this frightening, horror anthology villain.
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Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
19. Going Galactic with Space Cases: A Retrospective
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
All aboard the Christa as co-hosts Brett & Alex join the crew mates Rahi Azizi (Bova), Paige Heuser (Rosie), Cary Lawrence (T.J. Davenport), Anik Matern (Thelma), Paul Boretski (Commander Seth Goddard), and fan Catherine Jersey for this intergalactic trip through Space Cases history to better understand why this underrated 90s Nick show from 1996 is such a precious hidden gem. Together, the co-hosts and crew look back at the show's legacy as we share our most memorable moments of acting/filming on-set. All that, plus a This or That segment, comparing Space Cases to Are You Afraid of the Dark?, and an ending that will leave you rolling on the command deck laughing!
Get in touch with Cat on Instagram: @catherinejersey
Explore the Space Cases Website: spacecasestv.com
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To be featured in a future “Mona’s Mailbag” segment, email us at SplatAttack2021@gmail.com
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Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
M1. Sam Reacts: 90’s Video Game Commercials
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Welcome to one of two new "minisode" series coming your way. During the off weeks we are giving you additional content. This series is called "Sam Reacts." Co-hosts Brett and Alex sit down with 8 year old Sam (Alex's son) and show him some 90's commercials to get his impression on them. For the first episode we show him four video game commercials which covers Goosebumps, Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario Bros. 3.
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Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
18. Sloppiest Double Dare Moments
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
On your Marc, get set, GO! We 90's Nick kids owe a lot to the legend that is Double Dare. Even we at Splat Attack were inspired by the show with the use of slime, gak, and all things disgusting. In honor of the show we sat down with Marc Summers and Robin Russo to discuss some of the sloppiest Double Dare moments. Of course if we are talking about the show that put Nickelodeon on the map, we had to have Jasmine return to share her feelings as well. Prepare yourselves for the physical challenges ahead of you because this is going to be fun!
Chat with Mark and Robin
Chat with Jasmin
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Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
17. Doug: Doug’s Lucky Hat
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Sometimes luck smiles upon us. In today's episode, it shone upon Nickelodeon's Doug. Co-hosts Brett and Alex do an episode review of one of their favorite episodes, "Doug's Lucky Hat." They must've been wearing THEIR lucky hats as well because they are joined by Doug creator Jim Jinkins. Hold on to your four leaf clovers and cling onto those rabbit's feet as we discuss this very poignant episode of one of the original three Nicktoons classics.
Contact Jim Jinkins
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Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
16. Are You Afraid of the Dark? vs. Goosebumps: Phone Police vs. Calling All Creeps
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets on who is the most frightening! For fans of both "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" and "Goosebumps" there has always been the debate about which show is better! Well now, folks, we take a deeper dive into not the series as a whole but two episodes with similar themes. On the network television corner we have "Goosebumps." Co-host Brett will be defending the episode "Calling All Creeps." On the cable network television corner we have "Are You Afraid of the Dark?". Special guest RJ will be defending with the episode "The Tale of the Phone Police". Co-host Alex will be judge and determining the winner. Place your bets, place your bets! Fighters, touch gloves, go back to your corners and come out fighting at the ring of the bell. Ready? DING!
Chat with RJ and Watch him on Theality TV.
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Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
15b. Ranking Every MMPR Monster: Season 1 (Pt. 2)
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
"Make my monster grow!" Brett & Alex team up with Toby from The Tape Store to continue ranking every monster from the first season of this staple of 90's kid television, finishing with monsters 26-50 and a bonus review of Rita and her posse. Jump into your zord and summon The Power Sword because it's morphin' time as we conclude this 2-part special only on Splat Attack!
Listen to The Tape Store.
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Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
15a. Ranking Every MMPR Monster: Season 1 (Pt. 1)
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Rita Repulsa and her team of evil aliens are constantly attacking Angel Grove with a swarm of creative (and sometimes lame) monsters. Brett & Alex team up with Toby from The Tape Store to rank every monster from the first season of this staple of 90's kid television. Grab those morphers and insert your power coins because it's morphin' time as we rank the first 25 monsters in this special 2-part episode!
Listen to The Tape Store.
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Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
14. Return to Sardo’s Magic Mansion: A Retrospective
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Just like every classic horror story, you can't stop "them" from coming back! Co-hosts Brett and Alex are in search of some magical gems of history. There is no better place to find them than at Sardo's Magic Mansion! D.J. MacHale returns as a guest and he is bringing along a friend, Richard Dumont. That's right Sardo himself has stopped swindling potential customers to kick off season 2 with stories of every Sardo tale in the long running series, Are You Afraid of the Dark? Put on your Super Specs, no need to use the Carved Stone, and put away those tools of Oblivion. Enjoy these tales from both on the screen and behind the scenes from Sardo (no mister, accent on the doh!)
Chat with DJ MacHale
Chat with Richard Dumont
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Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
S1. Season 1 Overview
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Nicktoons, Nick Jr, Halloween, Christmas, Are You Afraid of the Dark and guests, guests, guests! This first season of Splat Attack was jam packed for our first season! Brett and Alex sit down to discuss our favorite moments and challenges we faced over the past 13 episodes and hint at some things to look forward to in the next season.
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Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
13. Nick Arcade: 30th Anniversary
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Blow out your Nintendo cartridges, plug in your controllers and most importantly, get on your gear! We are going into The Video Zone. Co-hosts Brett & Alex discuss the history of Nickelodeon Arcade as they celebrate the 30th anniversary with the show's host himself, Phil Moore!
Chat with Phil Moore
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Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
12. The Adventures of Pete & Pete: New Year’s Pete
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
It's time to put 2021 behind us and look forward to the new year. But are resolutions really a thing that is a benefit to us? Should we set our goals higher in doing good not just for ourselves or our community, but for the world? This is the goal that Little Pete has set as Brett & Alex review "New Year's Pete" with special guest Ally of Notable Nostalgia.
Explore Ally's projects
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Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
11. Favorite 90‘s Holiday Specials
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Very Merry Pod-Mas from Splat Attack! After decking the halls and buying all our presents, we sit down to talk about our favorite 90's Holiday Specials. But it's not just us this time around! Fellow podcasters Big Orange Couch, Scary Movie Ice Cream Night, Aw Here It Goes, Ready 2 Retro, Notable Nostalgia, The Tape Store, Up All Night, Cassandra Explains It All, Relic: The Lost Treasure Podcast, and The Black Case Diaries ALL have Holiday Specials they have fond memories for as well! So, cozy up by the fire, turn on the Christmas tree lights, and enjoy those cookies and milk meant for Santa! There's a 90s Holiday Special for everyone here to enjoy!
Podcasts represented on this episode: Aww, Here it Goes, Beleav in the Jaguars, Big Orange Couch, Black Case Diaries, Cassandra Explains it All, Dungeons & Decades, Notable Nostalgia, Ready2Retro, Saturday Morning Ice Cream, The Tape Store, Up All Night, Wait for It Podcast, and Relic: A Lost Treasure Podcast.
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